Understanding Violence Against Women and Girls and Spotlight On Domestic Abuse



Tuesday 30th April, 9.30am – 5pm

Pennypit Centre, Prestonpans 

What is this training?

This is an introductory, multi-agency, training that aims to develop your understanding of gender based violence and within this domestic abuse.  Together we will explore the links between gender inequality, violence against women and girls and domestic abuse, the impact of domestic abuse on women and their families, the complexities involved in leaving abusive relationships, and the main elements of best practices for working with women.

Who is this learning for?

This training is aimed at people who work within East Lothian and Midlothian who are working directly or indirectly with individuals and families affected by Violence Against Women and Girls including domestic abuse, or those who have an interest in working in this field in the future.

Are there are pre-requisites for attending this course?

A pre-requisite for this training is to watch the Domestic Abuse Awareness Raising Tool video at:  https://www.daart.scot/ or via both Council LearnPro sites.

What are the learning outcomes?

Participants will be able to:

  • Define gender based violence and understand its root cause

  • Define domestic abuse which includes physical, emotional and sexual abuse, as termed by the Scottish Government;

  • Explain the difficulties experienced by women disclosing and leaving abusive men;

  • Identify the main elements of safe practice and sensitive services to women, children and young people; and

  • Have an awareness of the services available to help support a person experiencing domestic abuse.

How will the training be delivered?

This training will take place in person at the Pennypit Centre, Training Rooms 1&2, Double Dykes Rope Walk, Prestonpans, EH32 9BN.

Who is delivering this training?

This training is being delivered by Women’s Aid East and Midlothian.

How do I apply?

Speak to your line manager about whether this course is suitable for your role and level of experience. You are required to seek your manager’s approval, ensure that you are available on the day, and that you have protected time to attend before applying.  You can then apply by completing the form below.  The closing date for booking on this course is 20th March.  We will confirm as soon as possible after the closing date if you have a place.

Note: This course counts towards the Continuous Professional Learning requirements (Child Protection) for registered social service workers.


To book a place please complete the table attached and return by e-mail

BY NO LATER THAN 20th March (in WORD FORMAT ONLY) to emppo@eastlothian.gov.uk


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