TSI Annual Satisfaction Survey

The East Lothian TSI (Third Sector Interface) provides a single point of access for support and advice to the local Third sector, Volunteer Involving Organisations and individuals interested in volunteering in East Lothian.  East Lothian TSI is Volunteer Centre East Lothian (VCEL) Further information about East Lothian TSI Aims and Outcomes can be found at our website: volunteereastlothian.org.uk

It is important to us that East Lothian's Third Sector and volunteers are successful, thriving, resilient and valued, and that we, as a TSI are delivering our Outcomes.

As a representative of a group who has utilised TSI services, or an individual who has enquired about volunteering over the last year, your feedback is invaluable to us.  We are keen to identify areas of our work that are helpful, how we could improve and where you think our focus should be going forward.  Feedback helps shape our future deliver to ensure we get it right for everyone we aim to support. 

This survey should take approximately 15 minutes to complete.  You will have the option of being entered into a free prize draw to thank you for your response.  The winner will be drawn on Tuesday 27th February.  If the winner has completed the survey as an individual who had expressed an interest in volunteering over the last year they will win a £50 voucher, if completed on behalf of an organisation they will receive £100 of vouchers for their organisation.

Closing Date: 18/02/2024 (11:59pm)


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